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PRME UK and Ireland Newsletter - Many New Announcements - 26.10.22

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter


Deadlines, dates for your diaries and details of initiatives that may interest you: a news roundup from the PRME Chapter UK and Ireland

Dates for our 2023 Doctoral Colloquium and Annual Conference

We are pleased to announce that our 10th Anniversary Annual Conference will be held at Aston University on Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th June 2023. As in the last two years, it will be preceded by a Doctoral Colloquium on Monday 26th June and we anticipate many good reasons for conference delegates to be in Birmingham by the evening of Monday 26th to benefit from our eve of conference activities. It will be a pleasure to return to our roots next June, as PRME UK and Ireland held its foundational meeting at Aston back in 2013. We hope we shall be joined by many of those original founding figures, to help us look back over ten years and plan for the future. Our thanks to Nathalie Ormrod and Maria Podsiadly at Aston for all that they are already doing to put in place a memorable event. Please put those dates in your diary now!

Early 10th Anniversary Events – part of our 8 month SDG2 (Food) series

Our seven PRME Local Networks will each – in sequence - be staging a showcase event during the current academic year, all having a SDG2 food-related theme. These events will involve students, academics, alumni and local businesses. At the end of each event, the baton will be passed to the next local network organisers to offer the following event. The starting event is hosted by the University of Birmingham and we will go full circle to return to Birmingham (Aston University) for the finale at the 10th UK & Ireland PRME Anniversary Conference in July 2023. Students will be recording video clips at each event and this will form part of a digital montage for the final event at the conference.

PRME Midlands Network - Just Desserts, 9 November, 1.00-4.30pm, G07 University House, in person

‘Just Desserts’, an in person event hosted by the PRME Midlands local network at Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, will feature discussions on social and environmental sustainability in food supply chains with a focus on desserts, cakes, chocolates and all things sweet. The event will start with lunch followed by an afternoon of discussion ending with coffee and cake. Please register to attend here. Full details of the event can be found in the poster here.

PRME North-West Network - Sustainable Foods tasting event, 29 November, 9.30 am -12.30pm, Cotton Exchange, Liverpool, in person

This is a small but perfectly formed food-tasting event at the Cotton Exchange in Liverpool, with the aim of introducing participants to the taste of sustainable foods. The event is sponsored and hosted by Liverpool Business School (LJMU) and 2030hub. Please register to attend here.

Wellbeing in Higher Education webinar - Wednesday 23 November 11-12 noon, from Henley Business School on behalf of the PRME London and SE Local Network, online

Members from across the Chapter are warmly invited to a workshop delivered by Kleio Akrivou (Professor in Business Ethics and Moral Development) on wellbeing in higher education. It promises to offer valuable insights from teaching, research, personal and PRME reporting perspectives. "Wellbeing is essential to how students and all members of the higher education can grow and flourish in their interconnected roles and individually. Defining wellbeing entails a variety of approaches, with no straightforward consensus around a single definition. This session aims to bring the topic to the attention of PRME members and network, to initiate dialogue and share some definitions, aspects and ideas about its meaning and significance; as well as share good practice and rationale why it has been paid attention to in our institutional SIP reporting, and also argue for its relevance within a sustainable working and learning environment. The session aims to highlight the significance of wellbeing and mental health as part of social and micro sustainability approaches which enable social dimensions of the SDGs and sustainability inspired business school education". (Kleio's profile is here)

Register in advance for this meeting here

Excellence in SIP reporting webinar - Friday 25 November 2022, 10am-11am GMT, Online Producing a Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) Report is a key commitment for all PRME signatories, as well as a valuable tool for communicating with diverse stakeholders. But what constitutes 'excellence' in SIP reporting, and how can it be achieved?

Join us on Friday 25 November at 10am GMT to discuss exemplary reporting, as well as inspirational examples of activities, initiatives, and practices from recent PRME SIP Reports. There will also be an update on proposed changes to the SIP reporting process ('SIP 2.0').

The event will feature insights from:

Giselle Weybrecht, special adviser to PRME, coordinator of the PRME SIP Excellence Awards, author of 'The Sustainable MBA', and curator of 'Giselle's List'. Laura Olkkonen, Post Doctoral Researcher and PRME Coordinator, LUT University, which won the PRME Award for Excellence in SIP Reporting (Emerging Category) in 2022.

The event will be facilitated by Laura Steele, PRME Lead at Queen's Management School Belfast and Organisational Learning and SIP Reporting Co-Lead for the PRME Chapter UK+Ireland.

The workshop is open to all. For more information and to register, please click here.

PRME Global Students – applications for student participation in multiple projects – deadline 19 November 2022

In 2021 PRME Global launched the PRME Global Students Movement, to provide a vehicle for student engagement and leadership within PRME and the wider ecosystem of student organisations involved in social and environmental activism. PGS now offers an enhanced array of projects to which individual students can apply. If you know of students who may be interested and eligible, full details of the opportunities can be found here or via the webpage in the previous link.

Invitation to take part in a doctoral study on role modelling in PRME signatories

Wolfgang Amann, a doctoral student at the University of Leicester, is conducting a research project focused on PRME’s Principle 2 and developing organisational practices in particular. The research addresses the question of how to best ensure that institutions develop such practices that go beyond innovations in research as well teaching and enable them to become role model organisations themselves. If you are interested in participating in the study, Wolfgang would be pleased to hear from you via email:

A reminder of the two competitions we recently launched

Our latest Innovative Pedagogy Award Scheme was launched last week. To help celebrate our 10th Anniversary in 2023 it carries an enhanced £8,000 award fund and the closing date is 16 December 2022. More details and how to apply can be found here. The Webinar Launch event for the Scheme, featuring presentations from previous winners, will take place on Friday 28 October from 10-11am. For more information and to book, please click here.

This week we also launched our 7th Responsible Business and Management Student Writing Competition. Featuring prizes in UG, PG and Alternative Media categories, the closing date for submissions is 28 February 2023. Full details are here.

Would you like to be a judge for one of our three annual competitions?

We are keen to recruit a few more judges to the assessing panels for the next rounds of all three of our competitions: Research Seed Funding Awards, Innovative Pedagogy Awards, and our Student Writing Competition. This is a really good opportunity for those wanting to play a wider role in Chapter life and extend their ERS/RME/SDG networks! If you are not familiar with one or more of these awards, see current and past information under the Competitions tab on our Chapter website. Judges should be employed by a paid-up PRME Chapter UK and Ireland Member institution, offer relevant expertise, and be willing to offer 15-20 hours of volunteer time in January 2023 (Innovative Pedagogy Competition) and March-April 2023 (in the case of the other two). In all cases we have procedures in place to avoid potential conflicts of interest.

If interested in being considered for one of our panels, please forward your name and a weblink to your professional profile to at least a month before the judging period.

Items for future news updates

If you would like us to include items in future news updates, please send them to our Secretariat -

That’s it for now – best wishes from the UK and Ireland Chapter Steering Committee.

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