Joining PRME Chapter UK & Ireland
Membership of the UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter
There are now over 90 PRME Signatories based in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, the majority of which are already fee-paying members of the Chapter.
Why should my institution join the PRME UK and Ireland Chapter?
Key benefits of becoming a member of the Chapter include:
Provision of a number of networks and platforms for dialogue, learning, and action on responsible management and leadership education and research;
Development and promotion of activities and events linked to the Seven Principles of PRME and the UN Sustainable Development Goals;
Reduced delegate fees for the Annual Chapter Conference, Faculty Development Workshops and free of charge access to PRME Student Engagement platforms;
Increasing the visibility of UK & Ireland Chapter members inside the global PRME network, and opening up opportunities for international research collaborations worldwide.
Provision of advice and guidance on implementing the PRME in your Institution.
How much is the membership fee?
The annual membership fee is £400 per year and is inclusive of VAT.
What is the relationship between the PRME UK and Ireland Chapter and PRME Global?
The United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) is a voluntary initiative with over 800 signatories worldwide, and is the largest organised relationship between the United Nations and management-related higher education institutions.
PRME functions as a 'network of networks’ - with PRME Global being in essence the Headquarters - and 17 PRME Regional Chapters being the main vehicles for delivering on the mission of PRME - covering different parts of the world - of which the UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter is one. A PRME Regional Chapter becomes established once a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is signed between the Chapter and the PRME Secretariat based in New York. Confirmation of an 'established' Chapter status is based on the understanding that the Chapter will engage in activities that are consistent with the purposes and objectives of PRME.
The relationship between PRME Global and PRME Regional Chapters is therefore a symbiotic one - with a single Mission, but different national, regional, cultural, and linguistic landscapes shaping local delivery.
PRME Signatories in the UK & Ireland pay two fees, both of which are normally payable in Q1 of each calendar year:
a) Signatories pay an Annual Contribution to PRME Global in New York, based on annual turnover (for more information, please click here). The annual contribution helps to maintain and develop PRME’s core infrastructure in New York.
b) In addition to this, UKI PRME signatories pay a £400 annual membership fee to the UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter, the purpose of which is to support PRME signatories in the UK and Republic of Ireland in their efforts to implement the Principles of PRME, through a comprehensive programme of events and activities that foster knowledge exchange and peer learning. All of this is done to help Chapter members to get the most out of their engagement with PRME. This £400 fee is paid directly to the PRME Regional Chapter.
How does my institution pay the membership fee?
The work of the UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter would not be possible without the financial support of member institutions. This small fee helps to pay for, amongst other things, administrative support in the Chapter Secretariat, organisation of events and competitions for members, maintenance of the Chapter website.
There are three methods of payment:
1. You can pay the Chapter fee with a credit card, by clicking on the following links:
for universities based in the UK, please click here
for universities based in Ireland, please click here
2. If you choose to pay against an invoice, and your institution requires the Chapter to quote a purchase order number, please provide this PO Number to the Chapter administrator: Jackie Hicken (prme@bcu.ac.uk)
3. If all you require is an invoice (without PO Number) please advise Jackie Hicken.
Please note that the membership fee for the UK & Ireland Chapter is payable in the UK, and is separate to the PRME Annual Contribution, which is paid in to New York for PRME Global membership.