Responsible Business The Textbook for Management Learning, Competence and Innovation
By Oliver Laasch, Roger Conaway
Drawing from the classic background theories such as corporate sustainability, business ethics, and corporate social responsibility, these concepts are applied to the most up-to-date practices. The book covers an international perspective, featuring cases from countries all around the world, has a strong theoretical basis, and fully integrates the topics of sustainability, responsibility and ethics.The book includes a wide variety of tools for change at individual, company and systemic levels. Published with the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), a United Nations Global Compact supported initiative, this is both an essential resource for business students at all levels and self-study handbook for executives.
Edited by Alan Murray, Denise Baden, Paul Cashian, Alec Wersun, Kathryn Haynes
Following on from the Inspirational Guide for the Implementation of PRME: Placing Sustainability at the heart of Management Education, this casebook highlights the real implementers of responsible management education, and their stories are truly inspirational. The evolving picture underscores the important changes already taking place, and the role of PRME in effecting such change. The clear message is that continuous experimentation, innovation, and learning is required to transform constructs of management education. The new collection contains 27 case stories from universities and business schools spanning Asia, Oceania, Latin America, USA and Canada, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. This important compilation will be an inspiration for all forward-thinking business schools across the world, especially those who are keen to embrace the PRME principles and put sustainability at the heart of their operations.
Edited by Patricia M. Flynn, Kathryn Haynes, Maureen A. Kilgour
The book provides research rationales as to why responsible organizations must address the issue of gender equality in the workplace. It also presents case studies, action research and examples of good practices, describing how businesses and organizations are working to promote gender equality in various contexts. The book is designed to support the rationale for gender equality in business and organizations, providing evidence of implementation of gender equality in the workplace and advice on how to deal with and overcome challenges. It will be of interest to academics, employees, practitioners, policy-makers, businesses, institutions and organizations.
Edited by Roz Sunley, Jennifer Leigh
It is well known the global community is looking towards business to play its role in creating a just and fair economy. This increases the urgency and relevance of new approaches to management education that can engage and foster socially responsible leaders who are resilient, creative and innovative thinkers. Educating for Responsible Management profiles cutting-edge approaches to pedagogy for the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) that go beyond current discussions of sustainability and corporate social responsibility content, to include a wider lens that highlights the processes of educating the next generation of responsible managers. This book draws together leading thinkers, practitioners and management education to share their practice and research on how management educators can prepare themselves, their students, the learning environment, and their teaching resources to meet these challenges. These conversations across practice lines highlight a range of innovative pedagogical approaches and methods used by responsible management educators around the world to provide effective learning experiences.
Edited by Milenko Gudić, Carole Parks, Al Rosenbloom
This expert collection shows educators how to teach poverty in management programmes, with examples, encouragement and guidance from course leaders and management academics.The five sections of the book focus on frameworks for understanding, course design and topic integration within courses, extra-curricular approaches or community-based approaches, contemporary issues and future directions.The book is a companion volume to Socially Responsive Organizations and the Challenge of Poverty, which shows a clear rationale for the inclusion of poverty in management education.Showcasing innovative teaching, module development and program design methods that integrate the issue of poverty into global business management courses and curricula, this handbook shows educators how to design effective programmes and modules that get to the heart of poverty issues as they relate to management education.
By Wolfgang Amann, Ronald Berenbeim, Tay Keong Tan, Matthias Kleinhempel, Alfred Lewis, Ruth Nieffer, Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Shiv Tripathi
Successful businesses are built on trust. Employees and colleagues need to trust one another and they need to deserve and receive trust from customers and suppliers. Anti-Corruption provides resources for building trust through the implementation of comprehensive guidelines on how to professionalize ethics and anti-corruption education worldwide in a variety of classroom settings. It is written and tested by highly experienced program directors, deans and professors, in how to adopt, adapt and develop best teaching practice. It highlights successful patterns, details illustrative case studies and offers clear, hands-on recommendations.
Edited by Patricia M. Flynn, Kathryn Haynes, Maureen A. Kilgour
This volume addresses the need to integrate gender equality into business and management education and provides examples of leading initiatives illustrating how this can occur from various disciplinary and global perspectives. Gender inequality has a long history in business schools and the workplace, and traditions are hard to change. Some disciplines remain resolutely gendered, affecting both women and men; and case materials on women leaders and managers are still rare.The chapters provide conceptual and research rationales as to why responsible management education must address the issue of gender equality. They also identify materials and resources to assist faculty in integrating gender issues and awareness into various disciplines and fields. These include specific case studies and innovations that assess or address the role of gender in various educational environments.The book is designed to help faculty integrate the topic of gender equality into their own teaching and research and gain support for the legitimacy of gender equality as an essential management education topic. This is the first book in a series on gender equality as a challenge for business and management education, published with the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) Working Group on Gender Equality.
Edited by Alan Murray, Denise Baden, Paul Cashian, Alec Wersun, Kathryn Haynes
Since the inception of the United Nations Global Compact-sponsored initiative Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) in 2007, there has been increased debate over how to adapt management education to best meet the demands of the 21st-century business environment. While consensus has been reached by the majority of globally focused management education institutions that sustainability must be incorporated into management education curricula, the relevant question is no longer _why_ management education should change, but _how_.The PRME initiative is set to increase to 1,000 signatories worldwide by 2015. Alongside encouraging new institutions to participate in the initiative, the Inspirational Guide volumes aim to cultivate and inspire actively engaged PRME participants. The Guides have been written with the aim of enabling participants to transition from a global learning community to an action community.Following the two previous volumes of the Inspirational Guide for the Implementation of PRME, the PRME UK and Ireland Chapter have compiled this volume which collects the experiences of some of the PRME UK and Ireland Chapter institutions. The guide answers some of the most frequently asked questions concerning the implementation of PRME and celebrates some of the best examples of innovation and leadership by highlighting real-world examples from the most engaged signatories in the UK and Ireland.
Edited by Milenko Gudić, Al Rosenbloom, Carole Parkes
This book provides a combination of case studies and current action research describing how businesses and civil society organizations are working to alleviate poverty in local and global communities. It intends to provide conceptual and research rationales for why management education and management institutions must address the issue of poverty. The book responds to one of the major findings from the research of the PRME Working Group on Poverty that the topic of poverty still lacks a strong business case for management educators and program/institutional administrators. The distinctive features of this book are that it: (1) includes examples of small and medium-sized (SME) businesses; (2) deals with the issue of poverty as a human rights violation; (3) explores the issue of absolute versus relative poverty; (4) deals with leadership challenges in organizations committed to poverty alleviation; and (5) discusses the issues in terms of management education’s responsibility for setting new management, research institutional and intellectual agendas. The first of two books to be produced by the PRME Working Group on Poverty, Socially Responsive Organizations and The Challenge of Poverty aims to provide both researchers and practitioners with the most wide-ranging coverage yet published on how business can be a positive force in alleviating poverty and how management education needs to adapt to this increasingly crucial prerogative.
The Business Student's Guide to Sustainable Management: Principles and Practice (The Principles for Responsible Management Education Series)
The Business Student’s Guide to Sustainable Management has become a core textbook for business undergraduates. With a full introduction to sustainable management, the textbook covers all subject areas relevant to business students.
This second edition features fully updated chapters on how to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals into accounting, marketing, HR and other subjects in management and business studies. Furthermore, this second edition offers brand new chapters on how to teach the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) in any business discipline, how to explore new business models designed to support sustainable development and how to crowdsource for sustainable solutions.
The book contains over 40 ready-made seminars/short workshops which enable teachers and students to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into every discipline in business, including economics, operations, marketing, HR, and financial reporting. Each chapter follows the same easy-to-use format