History of the Chapter
The Foundation Meeting for the regional PRME Chapter UK & Ireland was held on 10 May 2013 at Aston Business School. Thirty-two delegates of PRME signatory business and management schools from across the UK and Ireland came together to agree on a Constitution and Steering Committee, and to discuss ideas on the roles, activities, and events for the new Chapter.
Delegates were welcomed by Professor Dame Julia King, Vice Chancellor of Aston University and hosted by Carole Parkes Aston Business School and Alan Murray, Winchester Business School. Alan Murray was elected Chair and Carole Parkes Vice Chair of the Chapter. Other officers and Steering Group members elected included Treasurer Alec Wersun, Glasgow Caledonian University, Secretary Natalia Yakovleva, Winchester Business School, Paul Cashian, Coventry University, David Clemson, London South Bank University, Joanne Cook, University of Hull, Sheila Killian, University of Limerick, Jonathan Gosling, University of Exeter, Christian Herzig, Nottingham Business School, presented research on "Business Schools' Self Presentations on SocialResponsibility and Sustainability in SIPS reports", Jon Peters, Greenleaf Publishing discussed developments on publishing and PRME initiatives and Steve Kenzie, Secretariat for the UK Network of the UN Global Compact presented insights from the Network. Delegates then discussed ideas on the role, activities and proposed events for the new Chapter and produced a wide range of exciting suggestions and outline plans for the future.

Attendees of the Foundation Meeting of the PRME Chapter UK & Ireland.
The Chapter has had three Chair persons since its inception in 2013:
Professor Alan Murray, Winchester Business School, 2013 - 2014
Professor Carole Parkes, Aston University and Winchester Business School, 2014 - 2017
Dr Alec Wersun, Glasgow School for Business and Society, GCU, 2018 - 2020
Dr Jonathan Louw, Oxford Brookes Business School, Oxford Brookes University, 2021 - present