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UN Global Compact Network UK makes appeal:Academic Contributors to Updated UK SDG Performance Report

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

Expressions of Interest by Monday 31 January

The PRME Chapter UK and Ireland is pleased to promote this opportunity on behalf of our partner UN agency, the UN Global Compact. Their appeal for contributors follows:

"The UK’s performance on the SDGs has been poor and even worse has been the UK government’s communication about it. In six years the UK has only produced one Voluntary National Review (in 2019), with very few public mentions of the SDGs by senior government officials. In 2018, UK Stakeholders for Sustainable Development (UKSSD) published Measuring Up, a report which reviewed in detail how the UK was performing on the SDGs. UKSSD mobilised a community of stakeholders to deliver a comprehensive assessment of the UK's performance and recommendations for action, which was generally recognised to be superior to the UK Government’s Voluntary National Review that came out the following year.

It’s now time to “Measure Up” again and the UN Global Compact Network UK will be leading the charge (UKSSD was wound up and they “absorbed” their mission in 2020). Measuring Up II will take the same approach that was so effective with the first edition and mobilise a diverse group of stakeholders to produce a report that will establish how and where the Government, and other organisations, should focus efforts for the remainder of this Decade of Action. Following a similar structure and process to the 2018 publications, Measuring Up II will include a chapter on each SDG. The UN Global Compact Network UK have secured lead authors for some Goals, with ongoing conversations for some of the others, but are looking for expressions of interest from academics to take lead authorship of the remaining chapters: SDG3, SDG6, SDG8, SDG9, SDG10, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, and SDG16.

The role of the Chapter Lead is to write a first draft of the chapter, (including an indication of the current state and likelihood of achieving the SDG Targets using the data provided, plus any relevant policies/case studies/trends etc), identify additional contributors to take part in a peer review process, and incorporate the reviewers’ feedback into a final draft as appropriate. For a better sense of what’s expected, there’s a link above to the 2018 edition. Previous Chapter Leads have suggested that they spent about 8-10 hours on their contributions to the report. The UN Global Compact Network UK is still finalising plans, but their aim is to launch the publication ahead of the High-Level Political Forum in July. The rough timeline is for partners from the University of Newcastle to provide the data backbone to Chapter Leads mid-February. First drafts of chapters to go out for peer review mid-March, with final drafts submitted by the end of April. They intend to launch the report in July with events in NYC and London, promote it heavily through social media, and support it further with a webinar series in the autumn.

If you are interested in taking the lead authorship for one of the chapters please email Jessica Lobo ( ) at your earliest convenience and not later than Monday 31st January. If you have a colleague that might be interested, please feel free to forward this email to them"

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