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UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

Deadlines, dates for your diaries and details of initiatives that may interest you.

In this bumper issue Sharing Information on Practice - Chapter Briefing on SIP 2.0 Midlands Local Network Event London and South East Local Network Events Sustainable Enterprise Education Toolkit and Workshop One Planet Leadership – Call for Participants PRME Global Students – Call for Student Applications for 2024 Roles Reminder about Innovative Pedagogy Competition 2023-24 Reminder about Student Writing Competition 2023-24

Webinar on Preparing for SIP 2.0 - 1 December at 10am, online From 2024, signatories will be required to complete and submit the new PRME SIP questionnaire via the PRME Commons Platform, which is currently in development. Reporting will take place during a universal submission period, which will run from March to June each year. Many of you will have attended the PRME Global Sharing SIP 2.0 launch webinar last week. The UK and Ireland Chapter will be holding a follow-up webinar on Friday 1 December, 10 to 11.30am GMT. This will include an overview of the questions in the new SIP2.0, specific consideration of the UK and Ireland context and how it may influence reporting, and a Q&A with SIP 2.0 'Early Adopters'. To book, please click here. If you have any questions you would like addressed on 1 December, please email Laura Steele (, PRME UK and Ireland Steering Committee Lead for Organisational Learning and SIP Reporting. Next Midlands Local Network event - 23 November at 10am, online Members both in and outside the area are welcome to join the upcoming Midlands Local Network event online on Thursday 23 November, 10am GMT. Orla Kelleher will showcase projects that the University of Derby are currently undertaking in relation to RME including SDG integration and Carbon Literacy. Please click the link here to join online London and South East Local Network Events open to all: hybrid event with Richmond American University on 1 December and in-person event with Birkbeck College, London on 5 December Event One: Richmond American University Event: ‘Embedding SDGs (UN Compact Goals) into Corporate Sustainability Practice’ - 1 December at 1pm, hybrid If you’d like to learn more about sustainability in a corporate context, please join a free training session organised by Richmond American University London on Friday 1 December, 1 to 2pm GMT at the University’s Chiswick Park campus (Classroom 5, Building 12, Chiswick Park, London W4 5AN) as well as offered online. This session is the first in a series of events run by Richmond Business School. It aims to bridge the aspirational nature of SDGs with a practical approach of how to incorporate them within organisations in a measurable and tangible manner. The session will be led by Inma Ramos, Associate Professor in Management, Business and Law. A Student Poster Exhibition will follow this session at 2.30-3.30pm where some of Richmond’s undergraduate students will be presenting their posters on embedding SDGs into specific sectors. More information can be found here. Please click the link here to register for in-person attendance. Please note places are limited so book early if you would like to join us on campus. Please click the link here to join online . Event Two: Building Sustainability Education into the Curriculum across Disciplines at Birkbeck, University of London, Tuesday 5 December at 1pm, in-person Birkbeck is currently transforming its curriculum and looking at how it can embed environmental and sustainability education across all disciplines within the College. This is not a quick or easy transformation; we see areas where good provision already exists across the curriculum while also looking at areas where expansion in terms of the kinds of courses available will add to students' development and understanding of environment and sustainability issues. We see students as future change-makers, and so a key part of this is the development of knowledge and skills they can use in their future careers as well as their daily lives. The work in this area is being developed over the next two years by the Environmental Education Project team. The team would like to welcome members of the London & SE Local Network and the wider UK & Ireland Chapter to join in discussing our strategy and exchanging experiences on Tuesday 5 December, 1 to 3pm GMT. Coffee and tea will be served with plenty of networking opportunities. If you have dietary requirements, please email Kayleigh Woods Harley. Please register here. Sustainable Enterprise Education Toolkit and Workshop - Call for Contributors – advance notice PRME UK and Ireland members are participating in the creation of a 'sustainable enterprise education toolkit' that will be designed to infuse sustainability principles into enterprise education. The project is funded by Enterprise Educators UK. Sustainable enterprise educators are invited to contribute expertise during a workshop at the University of Derby on 5th March 2024. Please see the project information and application form here. For more information contact Dr Barbara Tomasella. One Planet Leadership – Latest Developments, Call for Participants and Webinar on 5 December The Chapter is happy to bring you further news of the One Planet Leadership initiative, which emerged from our Tenth Anniversary conference in June. What follows is text provided by the One Planet Leadership team; Miriam Gage and Jonathan Gosling: We're excited to announce the launch of two new courses titled "One Planet Leadership" and invite PRME-registered schools to collaborate in their development and delivery. This idea emerged from the UK&I Chapter conference in June, and we're now forming two consortia to offer these courses, aiming to provide an international perspective on contemporary challenges for two populations: executive education participants and full-time students. We plan to launch these courses in 2024 and seek your input on advanced proposals. Both courses focus on responsible leadership as managers and citizens, addressing core PRME concerns. The first course, "One Planet Leadership: RoundTables for Experienced Managers" will be available in April 2024 online, with a possible in-person version in Mexico later in the year. If you would like to join this venture, get in touch soon. The second course, "One Planet Leadership: Choices for the Rising Generation" targets full-time students and can be integrated into existing modules. We are actively developing the details and welcome your input on the following: a) Realistic pricing, timing, duration, and faculty commitment. b) Integration into existing modules (a co-curricular experience) - what works best? c) What would you value as a consortium partner? d) Your School's participation in one or both of these. We are hosting a consultation webinar on Tuesday 5 December, 4 to 5pm GMT. You can register for the webinar or get in touch for more detailed proposals by sending an email here. For more information, visit the website here PRME Global Students – call for a new round of student applications Applications to join the PRME Global Students (PGS) 2024 leadership teams are open. All students in PRME signatory schools are encouraged to apply for both positions - PGS Regional Leaders and PGS Taskforce Members. PGS asks for your support in spreading the word about these application processes in your schools and universities. You can find information about the application processes on the PGS webpage. Also, sign up here to follow the PGS Newsletter and get more details on the role of PGS Regional Leaders and the five projects implemented by the PGS Taskforces. In this social media toolkit, you can find assets to promote the application through social media. Feel free to share them with your Communication and Student Affairs departments at your institution to amplify our message online. The PGS Team will host two informational webinars to present the PGS movement, answer any questions regarding the application processes, and connect applicants to PGS Regional Leaders and Taskforce Coordinators. Register using the links below:

  • 21 November, 8am GMT, register here.

  • 28 November, 7pm GMT, register here.

Launch of the Chapter’s Innovative Pedagogy Competition 2023-24 In case you missed it, in October we launched the next round of our Innovative Pedagogy Awards. The closing date is 15 December 2023, an award fund of £6,000 is available and full details can be found here. Launch of the Chapter’s Student Writing Competition 2023-24 Another reminder - we launched our 2023-24 competition recently. Full details of categories, rules and prizes can be found here. The closing date for submissions is 28 February 2024. Chapter Events Calendar If you’re organising a Chapter-related event or wanting to find out what is on, please remember to check our Chapter Events calendar. Additions and enquiries can be emailed to our PRME Engagement Officer, Katie Lee on Katie will also shortly be issuing a further update on UNGC engagement opportunities . Items for future news updates Local Network Co-ordinators and other event organisers, when you run a PRME event do send us a short report afterwards (with links to any relevant resources) for wider publicity through these newsletters. Send them to Katie on the email address noted above. That’s it for now – best wishes from the UK and Ireland Chapter Steering Committee

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