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Will your university join those pledging to teach the SDGs?

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

The Sustainable Development Goals

The UK and Ireland PRME Chapter is supporting a call from the NUS calling upon educators in further and higher education to pledge to include the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their teaching and learning during the week of 19th February 2018, for the SDG Teach-in.

The Students' Union at The University of the West of England (UWE) recently took the SDG Teach-in to their academic board who fully endorsed the campaign and agreed to support all departments in taking part.

Jamie Jordon, vice-president for education at the Students’ Union at UWE says,

“We are delighted to partner with our university to champion the NUS SDG Teach-in. The Teach-in is a fantastic way to raise the profile of the work that UWE Bristol and the students' union have been progressing – to embed sustainability across the formal and informal curriculum. This is an opportunity to showcase how sustainability is relevant to each course and how every UWE student can take meaningful action in their degree – and for the rest of their lives.”

UWE is joining the 13 organisations and 24 members of teaching staff who have already pledged to take part. So far, 1407 students will learn about the SDGs and how their specific subject links to local and global sustainability challenges.

In January the NUS will announce the top three institutions by percentage of students reached, and update this on a regular basis.

Find out more, pledge your support, and share on social media with #SDGTeachIn! The Teach-in is taking place 19-23 February 2018.

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