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UNGC Network UK Event, 20-21st July: Registration is free

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

Dear PRME Colleagues

As you will all know, the UN home of the PRME initiative is within the UN Global Compact.

We write now to draw your attention to an event that the UNGC Network UK is hosting next week which we believe will be of interest to many of you. Registration is FREE.

"The UN Global Compact Network UK’s RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS & SDGS SUMMIT is an interactive digital event featuring a series of critical discussions over the course of two days (20-21 July, 2021). We will convene 2000+ CEOs, business experts, CSOs, Investors and High-Level Government United Nations, and civil society representatives to address the challenges and show how companies are advancing the SDGs, to foster meaningful networking opportunities, and to provide inspirational sessions with actionable ideas to transform industries and societies and lead to a new sustainable future."

Warm regards

PRME Chapter UK and Ireland Steering Committee

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