Launch of our 2022 Responsible Business and Management Writing Competition
This year with an optional COP26 special theme This is the launch of our sixth Responsible Business and Management Writing Competition. As in recent years, our tried and tested categories of entry remain. We also continue to experiment with offering the option to focus entries on a specific theme – this year it is COP26. Once again the competition is brought to you by the PRME Chapter UK & Ireland in collaboration with the organisers at Oxford Brookes Business School.
Our first five years of the competition have led to some inspiring contributions and some winning entries from last year can be found here.
Please see full details here of the competition leaflet.
Please share the competition leaflet and/or this website link with relevant subject, programme, course, unit and module leaders as well as interested students. The first page of the leaflet is also designed to function as a stand-alone poster. The competition in brief:
The competition has three categories - undergraduate essays and reports, postgraduate essays and reports, and an Alternative Media category open to both PG and UG students.
In response to judging panel feedback, this year we have adjusted the Judging Criteria to make our higher expectations of postgraduate entries more explicit.
The competition is open to a wide variety of disciplines - marketing, economics, accounting, leadership and management etc. In all cases there needs to be a clear link to responsible business, management and leadership themes.
It is designed to accept work already written and submitted by students at their home institution i.e. it does not require specially written essays or other artefacts. But students can also choose to address our optional theme of COP26.
There are three prizes in every category, jointly sponsored by the Chapter and Oxford Brookes University: first prize (£500), second prize (£250) and third prize (£100).
You can use the competition to create local publicity for PRME and your related initiatives.
Entrants can be from PRME and non PRME signatory business schools - this competition is part of our outreach to the wider sector.
Please encourage your students and colleagues to participate. If you have any questions, just get in touch with Oxford Brookes via the details on the competition leaflet or directly on
The deadline for submissions is 23:59 on 28th February 2022.
Warm Regards
Dr Jonathan Louw