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PRME Regional Chapter UK & Ireland Webinar and AGM - July 8th 2020: Open and free of charge

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

Dear PRME UKI members, friends and supporters

We do hope you will join us on Wednesday 8th July from 9.30am to 12.30pm for our first ever Chapter webinar, which in the absence of a conference this year is combined with our AGM. The AGM itself will start at 10.30am.

Our keynote speaker will be Giselle Weybrecht, editor of the PRiMETIME blog and author of the well-known The Sustainable MBA: A Business Guide to Sustainability (Wiley, 2013). The topic of her presentation will be "The implications of the current pandemic for the future of Responsible Management Education".

Apart from our keynote address and AGM, we shall also offer parallel sessions featuring winners of our two rounds of Research Seed Funding awards and our first round of Innovative Pedagogy funding awards. After brief presentations, there will be opportunities to discuss how to promote further collaborative research and teaching innovations in the RME sphere.

Closing date for registration is 6th July. Once registered further joining details and papers will be sent nearer the time.

In the meantime please find the programme for the event here.

We look forward to seeing you all online on the 8th July. Our annual conference is always a great opportunity for the wider RME community to come together. While we shall miss this longer and richer experience in 2020, our hope is that the planned webinar will still enable us to gather the PRME community together in a meaningful way. There's even a 30 minute virtual coffee and pastries session first thing in the morning to help that community feeling along !

(For those of you focused on the AGM - accounts, voting forms etc will be sent out on the 17th June.)

See you all on the 8th July !

Christine Gilligan, Alex Hope, Jonathan Louw

(Webinar and AGM organisers, on behalf of the Steering Committee)

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