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PRME Chapter UK and Ireland News Update: 14 February

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter


Deadlines, dates for your diaries and details of initiatives that may interest you: a Valentine’s Day news roundup from the PRME Chapter UK and Ireland.

PRME may or may not be the one true love of your life! Either way, we’re sure you’ll be happy to know our Chapter UK and Ireland 10th Anniversary year is now officially underway. We hope it will be an opportunity for reflection on PRME’s achievements to date, and for debate about what the next ten years will require of all those committed to responsible management education. The Steering Committee and our seven Local Networks have much in the pipeline to mark the anniversary, with events and initiatives across the year on either side of our Annual Conference on 27+28 June 2023 at Aston University. We even have a 10th Anniversary logo, now visible on our website and other communications. Details of some of our planned activities follow below, with more expected in coming weeks.

Our next Induction/Onboarding session for new PRME Leads – 9 March at 11am, online

Are you a new PRME Lead within the UK or Ireland? Would you benefit from learning more about PRME, including opportunities for faculty and student engagement in this Anniversary year? If so, please join us on Thursday 9 March 2023 at 11am via Zoom for an 'Onboarding Session for New PRME Leads'. To register, please click here.

The session will cover:

  • An overview of the objectives, structure, and work of PRME.

  • Different ways to engage with PRME at a local, national, and international level, including competitions for faculty and students.

  • Key requirements of a PRME Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) Report and examples of exemplary reporting.

  • Q & A with established PRME Leads within the Chapter.

In addition, there will be a set of shareable resources disseminated, which you can use to articulate the value of PRME to colleagues within your institution. For questions or more information, please email Laura Steele (

Local Network Anniversary Year Events

As part of our Anniversary year, all our 7 local networks are organising events involving students and focused on food (SDG2) in some way. Here are details, for those able to take part, of the London and South East as well as North East and Yorkshire events to be held on 22 February and 8 March respectively.

London and SE Local Network event – 22 February at 2.30pm - hybrid

The London and South East regional network group invites participants from across the Chapter to join this hybrid event held as part of the 10th-anniversary celebrations. It features expert community speakers at the front line of Oxfordshire's action against food poverty and food waste. A research presentation into hospitality businesses' approaches to food rescue solutions will be presented, along with the announcement of the winners of the network's Instagram cooking competition (see Instagram @lovestudentleftovers). To register for the event please see:

North East and Yorkshire Event on 8 March at 12 noon – University of Teesside, in-person

This event will consider ‘food’ as a source of social sustainability through 3 very different lenses, namely student employability, responsible leadership and connecting communities. The student employability session will explore the work carried out with Thirteen Group, a social housing landlord providing 35,000 homes between North Tyneside and North Yorkshire. Thirteen Group are working with Teesside University International Business School final year undergraduate students to come up with business ideas which encourage sustainability through a series of challenges, including projects focusing on creating sustainable solutions towards food poverty. The responsible leadership session will explore the work of Recovery Connections and how the charity supports individuals to re-connect with themselves, family and society throughout their recovery from addiction. Recovery Connections play an active role in the delivery of the university’s MBA module, The Sustainable Organisation. Tours to the Launchpad community bakery will also be offered, to hear how baking has helped refugees and communities suffering from food poverty. To receive venue details, register in advance HERE

PRME UKI Chapter seeks new Secretariat Host

A big opportunity to play a central role in Chapter life has arisen. Our Agreement with our excellent current Secretariat hosts, Glasgow Caledonian University, will terminate shortly. They are not in a position to renew the Agreement so we are therefore looking for a new host to be in place for a 1 August 2023 start date. Applicant institutions will need to be PRME signatories as well as Chapter members. They should be in good standing with their annual financial contributions both to PRME Global and the UKI Chapter and willing to take on the role for at least a three year term. We think this is a significant opportunity for a member with the relevant infrastructure to play a key role in the health and vitality of the Chapter. It is financially remunerated so the host should not be out of pocket.

Deans and PRME Leads in Chapter Member Schools have been written to separately and in more detail about our search criteria. But if you are reading this, are not in one of these roles but are positive about the opportunities acting as the Chapter Secretariat might offer your School, then please do encourage relevant colleagues to respond.

Chapter Chair, Jonathan Louw, will be offering two online briefings / Q+As with potentially interested host institutions next week. After these Q+A sessions, he will enter into more detailed discussions with those HEIs still interested.

Briefing on Monday 20 February at 12 noon: Register HERE

Briefing on Friday 24 February at 12 noon: Register HERE

Our 2023 Doctoral Colloquium and Annual Conference

Our 10th Anniversary Annual Conference will be held at Aston University (Birmingham) on Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th June 2023. As in the last two years, it will be preceded by a Doctoral Colloquium on Monday 26th June.

A call for proposals for both events will be issued in the week commencing 20 February 2023.

An EAUC announcement this week has, regrettably, shown that they have picked exactly the same days as ours for their 2023 conference. We checked their website (along with those of many other organisations in our ecosystem) before announcing our dates on 26 October 2022. As our Aston hosts’ plans are now far advanced, our conference and colloquium dates will remain as planned.

Reminder of Closing Dates for Research Seed Funding and Student Writing Competitions

The closing date for our 7th Responsible Business and Management Student Writing Competition, Featuring prizes in UG, PG and Alternative Media categories is 28 February 2023. Full details are here.

The final date for submissions for our 4th Research Seed Funding Awards is also 28 February 2023. Full details can be found here.

Judging in our third annual competition, the Innovative Pedagogy Awards is now complete. Winners have been informed and a wider announcement to the Chapter can be expected shortly.

Chapter Events Calendar

If you’re organising a Chapter-related event or wanting to find out what is on, please remember to check our Chapter Events calendar. Additions can be emailed to our Administrator, Bryan Hall, on

Items for future news updates

Local Network Co-ordinators, when you run a PRME event do send us a short report afterwards (with links to any relevant resources) for wider publicity through these newsletters.

If anyone would like us to include items in future news updates, please send them to our Secretariat -

That’s it for now – best wishes from the UK and Ireland Chapter Steering Committee.

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