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  • UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

PRME Chapter Ireland and UK - News Update 20 April 2023


Deadlines, dates for your diaries and details of initiatives that may interest you.

In this issue

PRME I5 Certification Scheme and Workshop

Sustainability and Employability Chapter Interest Group

Review of the PRME Principles

PRME Global Forum

Extension of Submission Date for the 2023 Doctoral Colloquium

Update on Chapter Tenth Anniversary Conference Delegate Bookings

PRME I5 Certification Scheme and first Workshop on 25th (3pm) or 26th (9am) April

The PRME ‘Impactful Five’ (i5) Programme is an ambitious project to nurture responsible leaders by integrating collaborative, meaningful and playful learning among global leadership educators. It is funded by a three year Lego Foundation grant to PRME Global. Over the past year an Expert Pedagogy Group, including the PRME UKI Vice-Chair, Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas, has been working with a team from Harvard University on the foundational documentation and pedagogies for the i5 Programme. The PRME i5 (Impactful 5) European Expert Pedagogy Group, a subgroup of the global Pedagogy Group, have additionally worked to develop a five stage i5 Literacy Certification Scheme.

You can now sign up to learn more about the pedagogic research behind the i5 program in a Stage 1 Webinar, hear from members of the i5 Expert Pedagogy Group with first-hand experience of developing the PRME Impactful Five (i5) Playbook and learn more about their experiences of implementing education for sustainable development practices in the classroom. Joining this webinar does not commit you to completing the other four stages of the scheme.

Stage 1 Webinar – leading to a Certificate of i5 Attendance - (25th April at 3pm or 26th April at 9am)

This is a 30 minute Webinar; offering a general project overview and outline of the i5 approach, and Q&A. Participants will develop their understanding and identify opportunities for continuous implementation by completing all Stages (in consecutive order) until i5 literacy is fully achieved in Stage 5. Certificates will be provided for attendance and for successfully completing each individual Stage. A recording of the Stage 1 webinar will be made available after the event, while Stage 2 onwards will be delivered synchronously (online/offline) only. For questions relating to i5 please contact Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas

You can register for the Stage 1 Webinar here. Please note the times stated on the registration form are for the Central European Time Zone. The correct UK and Ireland times are in this announcement.

Proposed Chapter Interest Group - Sustainability, Future Jobs and Graduate Employability (working title) – initial webinar on Thursday 18 May from 12-1pm

PRME Global has well-established pedagogy-focused initiatives such as the Sustainability Mindset Working Group and the PRME i5 holistic leadership competencies project (see previous item).

A group of colleagues at Oxford Brookes are interested in working with others to develop their thinking, teaching, research and writing on themes related to the above but that are more employment market, technology, innovation and graduate employability focused. They are interested in questions such as:

  1. What are the business sectors and thus employment markets likely to face growth, decline or transformation in coming decades as a result of sustainability imperatives, and what implications does this have for curriculum content?

  2. What are the technologies in which our students need to become proficient in order to be fit for the sustainability-oriented jobs of the future?

  3. What are the implications of the SDGs for the interdisciplinary nature of the graduate jobs of the future, and thus for the student learning of the present?

  4. Where and how do the enterprise education and ESD agendas intersect, and what are the implications for our educational offerings?

  5. How do Business Schools best engage with business sectors and industries to understand the impact of sustainability imperatives on their jobs of the future?

  6. How do developments such as these challenge traditional models of graduate employability?

  7. How do we as educators maximise the opportunities for sustainability-related placements and internships?

  8. In what time spans do we need to be acting to address the questions above?

Under the auspices of the chapter, Oxford Brookes colleagues would like to test the interest of others in forming initially a loose interest group of people to explore these themes. How this might develop will depend on the level and nature of the interest shown.

If interested, please join an exploratory launch webinar on Thursday 18th May from 12-1pm. This will be followed up with a further scoping and developmental session at the 2023 Tenth Anniversary Conference at Aston on 27-28 June.

You can register and get a calendar link for the 18th May here. If you cannot join this event but would like to express your interest in this initiative you can email Jonathan Louw ( or Karen Cripps (

Review of the PRME Principles

In case you are not on the PRME Global mailing list, we include below a recent mailing from the Secretariat in New York to all signatories about a current review and updating of the PRME principles that shape all we do. The Chapter Steering Committee encourages everyone with an interest in the future of the PRME movement to contribute to this open consultation.

“The PRME Secretariat would like to formally invite you to submit feedback on the proposed new Principles for Responsible Management Education as part of PRME’s ‘Principles Refresh’.

Since the Six Principles for Responsible Management Education launched in 2007, the world has significantly changed. Our PRME principles-based community has unitedly navigated through this fast-paced changing world, dealing with new and more complex challenges and contributing to cutting-edge solutions for the betterment of society and the planet. In the meantime, Responsible Management Education has moved to the spotlight of global debates as a critical factor in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To adapt them to these new realities, we assembled a PRME Principles Task Force (PPTF) composed of five members representing the key constituencies of the global PRME community. With the support of the PRME Secretariat, the PPTF has been charged with updating the Principles Framework based on the previous recommendations of the PRME SIP Review Sub-Committee and the 2015 and 2019 PRME strategic reviews, and as such, seeks your feedback. Over a four month process, the PPTF has called on the PRME Community to engage in global consultations. With your feedback, the PPTF will develop a proposal for revised PRME Principles to be formally approved at the 10th PRME Board Meeting on 12 June 2023, and officially launched during the 2023 PRME Global Forum in New York on 12-14 June 2023.”

Read the updated principles here

Provide your feedback here

PRME Global Forum 2023

The 2023 PRME Global Forum will take place in person at Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business on 13 – 14 June 2023. With a dynamic program and purpose-driven speakers, the 2023 Edition of the PRME Global Forum will bring a global debate on how business education can help advance the sustainable development agenda worldwide. The Global Forum is a part of a larger effort in which PRME will gather business school leaders, faculty, students, businesses, and sustainable development organizations for a Responsible Management Education Week, on 12 – 16 June 2023, in New York (USA), to advance responsible management education and its impact worldwide. In addition to taking stock of PRME’s growth over the last year and highlighting the ongoing work of the PRME community, the 2023 PRME Global Forum will focus on impact across various session themes: pedagogy, climate, digital, and leadership. The 2023 Edition will be the first in-person forum since 2017, and its plenaries will also be broadcast to participants worldwide.

You can register for in-person (delegate fees apply) and online (no cost) participation here

2023 Chapter Doctoral Colloquium - further extension of abstract submission deadline

The 2023 Tenth Anniversary Conference paper submission deadline has now passed. However, the deadline for submission of Abstracts for our third Doctoral Colloquium has been extended to the end of play on Tuesday 25th April. If you have not already alerted the doctoral students in your circles to this offer, please do so now. The event – on 26th June at Aston University – is free of charge and a great developmental opportunity. More details on the call for abstracts can be found here.

Update on Tenth Anniversary Conference Website and Delegate Bookings

Our conference takes place on 27 and 28 June at Aston University. We had hoped to launch the conference website and delegate bookings by now but systems are not quite ready to go. A separate announcement will follow in the very near future.

Chapter Events Calendar

If you’re organising a Chapter-related event or wanting to find out what is on, please remember to check our Chapter Events calendar. Additions can be emailed to our Administrator, Bryan Hall, on

Items for future news updates

Local Network Co-ordinators, when you run a PRME event do send us a short report afterwards (with links to any relevant resources) for wider publicity through these newsletters.

If anyone would like us to include items in future news updates, please send them to our Secretariat -

That’s it for now – best wishes from the UK and Ireland Chapter Steering Committee.

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