The PRME UKI Chapter is happy to publicise details of an event you may be interested in if you think it likely you will be able to travel abroad by the Autumn. Please note this is not a PRME UKI Chapter event.
Our WG Update April 2020 shows that despite observing physical distancing measures and recommendations, it did not prevent us from continuing our professional work, communication and collaboration, including our collective engagement with the broad issue of poverty and the SDGs.
8th Responsible Management Education Research Conference, 19-22 October, Suzhou, China
The submission window for contributions for 8th Responsible Management Education Research Conference on Poverty and Prosperity: Implications for Advancing the SDGs, 2030 Agenda and Responsible Management Education in a Post-Pandemic World opens on 7 May. The deadline for submission is 31 May.
Tracks proposed by our WG and partners are:
· A special conference track focused on poverty alleviation, prosperity, and responsible management education that has two sessions:
Ø Research: Action and Impact-Oriented Research that Fosters Poverty Alleviation and Facilitates Prosperity in a Post-Pandemic World, and
Ø Teaching and Learning: Developing Mindsets and Capabilities for Poverty Alleviation through Innovative Pedagogical Methods
· A track on Business for Peace, Poverty Alleviation, Prosperity and Advancement of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda along the One Belt - One Road (OBOR) initiative in a Post-pandemic World: Implications for Responsible Management Education, jointly proposed by our WG and the PRME Business for Peace (B4P) Working Group.
As the conference theme is poverty, other poverty-related tracks also may be of interest:
· Poverty Eradication and Prosperity through Sustainability-oriented Innovation
· Entrepreneurial Activities Within the Context of Poverty Reduction
· Gender Inequality and Poverty
Complete descriptions of all conference tracks, which include sessions on the circular economy and prosperity, responsible management in international supply chains, responsible entrepreneurship, and value-driven leadership, can be found at: Call for Contributions
Please submit contributions, which can take the form of extended abstracts, full papers, case studies, etc., to:
Keynote Speakers: Following the invitation of our WG, we will have Prof. Stuart Hart, one of the world's top authorities on the implications of environment and poverty for business strategy, and Violeta Bulc, former EU Commissionaire for Transport, among the conference keynote speakers at the conference.
Conference Formats: Our WG member Xuanwei Cao (China) informs that the Program and Organizing Committees are carefully monitoring the Covd-19 related situation, with the health and safety of the conference conveners as the highest priority. While planning for a face-to-face gathering in Suzhou, they are prepared to proactively look for a hybrid solution, with the Chinese participants gathering at the venue and the international attendees taking part online. Please follow the conference home page , where the information has been regularly updated.