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Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) Reporting

The preamble of the Principles for Responsible Management Education states: "As institutions of higher education involved in the development of current and future managers we declare our willingness to progress in the implementation, within our institution, of the following Principles, starting with those that are more relevant to our capacities and mission. We will report on progress to all our stakeholders and exchange effective practices related to these principles with other academic institutions."


A central commitment of any institution participating in the PRME initiative is to regularly share information with its stakeholders on the progress made in implementing the Six Principles through the Sharing Information on Progress (SIP). As a key integrity measure, the SIP's main objective is to serve as a public vehicle for information on responsible management education. In addition, the SIP can be an effective tool for facilitating stakeholder dialogue and a learning community among signatories.


The policy outlined below has been developed based on the consensus reached at the 1st PRME Global Forum for Responsible Management Education in 2008, and has been updated in consultation with the PRME Working Group on SIP and PRME Advisory Committee in 2015. The updated policy has been endorsed by the 2015 Global Forum for Responsible Management Education – 6th Annual Assembly in the Outcomes Declaration.


Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) Policy


In order to maintain a "communicating" status within the PRME community, a signatory must fulfil the following requirements:

  1. Signatories are required to communicate their progress at least every 24 months.
    Yearly communication is encouraged.

  2. SIPs must include each of the following elements:

    • A letter signed by the highest executive of the organisation expressing continued commitment to PRME

    • A description of practical actions (i.e. disclosure of any relevant policies, procedures, activities) that the institution has taken to implement one or more Principles during the past 24 months (since signing up to PRME or since last submission of SIP)

    • An assessment of outcomes (i.e. the degree to which previously outlined goals were met, or other qualitative or quantitative evaluation of results)*

    • Key, specific objectives for the next 24-month period with regard to the implementation of the Principle(s). Concrete strategies and timelines are encouraged.

  3. SIPs are to be submitted online via the PRME website, either by providing a hyperlink to an existing document on the signatory's website or by uploading an electronic document.

  4. Signatories must complete a brief self-assessment that summarizes the content of the SIP


*In response to the PRME community's growing support to advance impact assessment efforts among signatories, the PRME Secretariat—with endorsement by the 2015 Global Forum for Responsible Management Education—has implemented this new policy requirement. We understand that a variety of ways to assess impact exist and that no one method is appropriate for all signatories. As PRME strives to serve as a platform for higher education institutions to learn from one another and continuously improve, we encourage signatories and regional PRME Chapters to explore different methods and embrace those that meet their institutional goals and local needs. Approaches to impact assessment will be further explored at upcoming PRME Regional Meetings and PRME Global Fora.


Format and Language


  • SIPs can be produced in any language.

  • To make the SIP widely available to internal and external stakeholders and avoid duplication of efforts, the SIP should be fully integrated into the signatory's main medium of stakeholder communications, including (but not limited to) a sustainability report and/or an integrated financial and sustainability report.

  • In the event that a signatory does not publish formal reports, a SIP can be created as a stand-alone document.

  • A PDF document is preferred.

  • Use of the PRME logo is only allowed for Advanced PRME signatories. If you are unsure whether your institution is Advanced, please search your institution using this page, or by emailing

  • Inclusion of details for a contact person for any SIP related questions or comments is recommended.


Failure to Comply with the SIP Policy

Non-communicating status

  • Signatories that fail to comply with the SIP policy by missing their reporting deadline are listed as "non-communicating". Non-communicating signatories are ineligible to take part in engagement opportunities, and will receive emails notifying about their status.


Delisting from PRME

In order to maintain the integrity of the initiative, signatories that are listed as "non- communicating" for more than one year will be delisted from the PRME initiative. The names of delisted signatories are publicly listed on the PRME website, in the PRME newsletter, and in our annual report.  Signatories that have been delisted are eligible to re-join PRME by completing a new SIP report. After receiving the SIP report, the PRME Secretariat will re-activate the signatory account.


Modifications of SIP Deadlines

Extension Request. In case of a delay in SIP submission, signatories may request a grace period of up to 90 days from the SIP deadline by submitting a Grace Letter on the PRME website, providing a reasonable explanation for the delay and stating the date by which the SIP will be submitted. Any grace period granted will reset the SIP deadline (e.g. if the original SIP deadline is 1 January 2022, the extended SIP deadline will be 31 March 2022. If the SIP is submitted on 31 March 2022, the next SIP deadline will be 30 March 2024). If the signatory fails to submit an SIP by the extended deadline, they will be designated as "non-communicating."

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