FEBRUARY 14th 2020, 12.00 – 16.30pm
VENUE: The Hazlerigg Council Chamber, Hazlerigg Building. For directions to the Loughborough University campus please click here
This event will offer expert academic and practitioner perspectives on managing risk in sustainable supply chains. Aimed at academics, sustainability practitioners, researchers and research students, the aim is that attendees will take away practical strategies for business and research-informed academic perspectives.
Click here to register for the event. Contact Ruth Cufflin:
email: r.cufflin@lboro.ac.uk 01509 228839
Visitors travelling by car are advised that on-campus parking is limited.
12.00 – 13.00 Arrival, networking lunch*
13.00 - 13.10 Welcome to Loughborough University and Event Introduction:
Dr Andrew Rothwell, Dr Alok Choudhary
13.10 – 13.20 Welcome: PRME UKI Chapter East of England Local Network
Dr. Christine Gilligan, East of England Local Network coordinator;
Dr. Andy Brookes, East of England Local Network
13.20 – 14.00 Keynote: Professor Robert Klassen, Ivey Business School, Western University Canada. Supply chain sustainability risk: Who really cares?
14.00 – 14.20 Forum Discussion
14.20 – 14.35 Afternoon Tea
14.35 – 15.15 Keynote: Tony Roy, Head of Sustainability and Governance, BT Procurement Group: Managing Sustainability and Risk: BT’s perspective
15.15 – 15.35 Forum Discussion:
15.35 - 1555 Event Summary: Implications for academics, supply chain practitioners, researchers; Strategies for action. Dr Alok Choudhary
15.55 – 16.15 Closing Remarks: Dr Christine Gilligan, PRME
* Please advise us of any specific dietary or access requirements

Robert D. Klassen is the Associate Dean, Faculty Development and holds the Magna International Inc. Chair in Business Administration at the Ivey Business School, Western University, Canada. Professor Klassen’s research explores the multi-faceted linkages between the natural environment, social issues and operations performance, termed the triple bottom line, in supply chains. He has over 50 refereed publications mostly in 4 and 4* ABS journals including widely cited articles in such journals as Journal of Operations Management, Management Science, Academy of Management Journal, Production and Operations Management, and International Journal of Operations and Production Management, among others. With more than 17,950 citations, he is recognised as one of the most influential researchers in the domain of sustainability and operations. He is now serving as the Departmental Co-Editor for Production and Operations Management, and recently completed a three-year term in the same role at the Journal of Operations Management. He was also Associate Editor for Journal of Operations Management (2002-2015). He also serves as a Consulting Editor of the International Journal of Operations and Production Management (2017 - present).

Tony Roy is Head of Sustainability and Governance at BT Group which is ranked #1 in the UK among the FTSE100 for sustainability practices. Tony Roy manages Supplier Risk Assurance, sustainability, and governance within BT Group Procurement. His key areas of focus are ethical & environmental improvements for BT’s suppliers of goods and services, and BT’s Modern Slavery Act due diligence with high-risk suppliers. Tony also manages BT’s award-winning Better Future Supplier Forum, which aims to help suppliers improve their sustainability, CSR, and energy efficiency credentials. He has been with BT for 4 years and has a background in electrical engineering, financial services and big 4 consultancy.