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Carbon Literacy Training

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

Carbon Literacy Training in Scotland

Are you concerned about the climate crisis? Are you concerned about how businesses and societies will be affected by the climate crisis and want to find out ways to mitigate the risks? In response to the climate emergency, and the desire of business schools to ensure that their faculty and students are‘carbon literate’ Glasgow Caledonian University has organised carbon literacy training in partnership with the UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter, and PRME Champion institutions. Faculty and students from PRME Chapter member organisations are welcome to attend.

Where: Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)

When: Run over 2 sessions: November 27th 13.00-17.00 and 28th 10.30 to 14.30 Venue: GCU Students Association Room NH 208

The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges we are currently facing, and it will affect all aspects of business and society and all other areas we might be concerned about such as poverty or loss of biodiversity. Consequently, graduates and employees with the know-how in tackling environmental and social issues to cope with future challenges have a competitive advantage in the job market. By taking part in this training, you will gain an understanding of:

  • The basic science behind the climate crisis

  • The impact different sectors such as food have on our climate and vice versa

  • Climate Change mitigation tools for your discipline or/and function

  • Solutions with the highest impact

  • Strategies and skills for communicating and/or teaching climate actions

  • Your personal possibilities to take action privately and in your current/ future role

On completion of the training course, for a fee of £10 you will receive a full certificate issued by The Carbon Literacy Trust.

The course materials will be available to all attendees after the course.

For more information and to sign up for the full workshop please visit the following website: or contact Sara MacLean on

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