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Call for Papers - IABS 'Business & Society' European Paper Development Workshop Series

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

Do you have work in progress that would benefit from expert feedback from senior scholars?

Are you looking to publish business and society research in top journals?

Business & Society (IF 3.214), the official journal of IABS, the International Association of Business and Society, is holding a series of five paper development workshops across Europe in 2018/19 to help scholars develop their work for publication. The workshops will take place in Belgium, Italy, UK, France and Spain. We would like to kindly invite you to participate in the third of these workshops on 26 March, 2019 in London UK, organized by the University of Bath at their Pall Mall offices.

Participants to the workshop will benefit from hearing insight and guidance from editors and editorial board members of Business & Society about publishing in top journals, and what it takes to publish in Business & Society.

They will also receive intensive feedback on their work in progress from senior scholars who will act as mentors for participants during the workshop. Confirmed mentors include Business & Society editorial team members Andrew Crane, Stephen Pavelin, Donal Crilly, Sarah Glozer, plus others to be confirmed, who between them have published in Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Business & Society, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, and more.

The workshop will cover the following topics (a detailed program will follow):

• Success factors to realize a contribution in Business & Society and other top journals

• How to craft an introduction and outline a theoretical contribution

• Paper feedback in small groups, with at least one senior scholar as a mentor in each group

• Lunch with mentors

With this call for papers, we would like to encourage you to apply to the workshop by submitting your work in progress. We welcome the submission of both empirical papers (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods) and purely theoretical work.

Deadline: 20 February 2018, 5pm. Submit your work in progress (either a long abstract of 3000 words or a full paper, maximum 8000 words) to (notification of acceptance will be within 2 weeks of submission).

Please click on this link for further details

Please note that numbers are limited and papers will be selected based on the quality of the manuscripts, with priority given to scholars based in the UK. Participants will be asked for a small contribution of £20 to partially cover costs for lunch and catering.

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