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PRME UK and Ireland Conference June 2018 - Now is the time to Register !

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

To all UK and Ireland supporters of the PRME movement,

We would like to remind you that our UK and Ireland Annual Conference is coming up soon.

This year it is hosted by Queen Mary, University of London and thus we shall be gathering in Mile End, London E3 for a stimulating programme of workshops, academic papers, keynote addresses and our Chapter AGM.

The conference takes place on Tuesday 26 June and Wednesday 27 June 2018, with an optional pre-programme of workshops on the afternoon of Monday 25 June for those able to attend.

The conference theme is 'Leaving no one behind' - Inclusive Responsible Management Education in an Era of Precarity and in pursuit of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The conference is open to academic and non-academic audiences, and not limited to members of the UK and Ireland PRME Regional Chapter or UN PRME signatories. Representatives of business and third sector organisations, and students of all relevant disciplines, are very welcome.

Keynote Speakers and Panelists include

John Elkington, Chairman and Chief Pollinator of Volans;

Jeremy Matthieu, BBC Sustainability Advisor;

Prosper Williams – Leadership Advisory Board British Academy of Management

Ian Parkes, Chief Executive, East London Business Association (ELBA);

Payal Vasudeva, Managing Director, Talent and Organisation Lead, and Human Capital & Diversity Executive Sponsor, Accenture UKI​

To register and book accommodation at Queen Mary

Click on the link:

If you haven't booked your place yet, why not do it now? We look forward to seeing you at conference !

The PRME (UK & I) Steering Committee

The Queen Mary Conference Organising Team

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