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Upcoming Research Workshops, PRME UK & Ireland Working Groups, Webinars and further opportunities to engage!


 Responsible Management Education as Socialisation Workshop: a longitudinal study on the impact of undergraduate curriculum on students' values, attitudes, and intentions

When: 27 January, 10am - 3pm


Where: William Morris Building, room WM442

Coventry University, Priory Street, Coventry, CV1 5FB, United Kingdom


Hosted by Professor Jenna Ward and Dr Jaliyyah Bello, this workshop will share an impact focused evaluation of a responsible management education curriculum, as part of PRME UK & Ireland Chapter's research funded project.


This workshop aims to bring together academics from the PRME UK and Ireland Chapter to evaluate the effectiveness of Business Schools' undergraduate curriculum in nurturing prosocial values among students. Students awareness and understanding of responsible management and their decision making tendencies, are examples of topics of discussion.


Attendees can expect to learn from Professor Jenna Ward and Dr Jaliyyah Bello's approach and learnings, as well as sharing their own initiatives and exploring future collaborations opportunities.


 Read more and register to attend this engaging workshop here.

One week to go! PRME UK & Ireland Working Group Tour: Anti-Corruption


When: 24 January, 1pm - 2:15pm


Where: On Zoom, access the registration link here


The next session of PRME UK & Ireland Chapter's Working Group tour will explore the topic of Anti-Corruption.


The discussion will be led by:


 Dr Christian Hauser,

Christian Hauser is Professor of Business Economics and International Management at the Swiss Institute for Entrepreneurship (SIFE) at the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden. Dr Hauser chairs the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Working Group on Anti-Corruption and heads the first PRME Business Integrity Action Center in Europe.



Rasha Kassem is an accomplished academic with over 19 years in UK higher education, currently an Associate Professor at Aston University. She is a Certified Fraud Examiner, an insider fraud consultant for Cifas UK, and serves on the Cross-Sector Advisory Board for the UK Cabinet Office’s Counter Fraud Profession, as well as the ACFE Advisory Council in the US.


What can attendees expect? 

 They will discuss the latest activities of the Working Group, including research on corporate crime and corruption during the Covid-19 pandemic and the future role of the ethics and compliance functions in companies. They will also outline opportunities to engage with the working group.


Professionals, educators and students are all very welcome to join us. 

Register here and join the conversation via Zoom on 24 January 2025.

 PRME UK & Ireland Working Group Tour: Business and Human Rights


When: 7 February, 1pm - 2:15pm


Where: On Zoom, access the registration link here


The next session of PRME UK & Ireland Chapter's Working Group tour will explore the topic of Business and Human Rights.


Are human rights the business of business schools?

For a long time, human rights education was exclusive to law schools. 

Today, a growing number of business schools have begun to educate future business leaders on human rights risks in business and possible remediation strategies.


This discussion will be led by:


Dorothée Baumann-Pauly is a Professor at Geneva University's School of Economics and Management. She directs the Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights, the first human rights center at a business school in Europe. Since 2013, she is also the Research Director at the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights at New York University. In 2016, she co-founded a business school network to integrate human rights in business education as well as the BHR Young Researchers Summit for emerging scholars.


Lara Bianchi is an Associate Professor in Business and Society at Nottingham University Business School, where she is currently the Research Director of the Strategy and International Business Department. She is also an expert at the RightsLab Beacon of Excellence of the University of Nottingham - the world’s largest group of modern slavery researchers. Her latest research project, funded by Research England Policy Funding, aims at assessing migrant workers’ access to remedy for human rights abuses in the UK agricultural sector.

More info and publication list available here.



What can attendees expect? 

This session will outline the work of a global network of business schools that support each other to broaden their educational mandate in order to prepare leaders that serve business and society.  


In the first part of the session, Dr Dorothée Baumann-Pauly will present the work of the PRME Working Group on Business and Human Rights, highlighting open-access teaching resources and network events that any business school with an interest in human rights can join.


In the second part, Dr Lara Bianchi will share her insights on teaching human rights at a UK business school, offering a reflection on the challenges and opportunities of engaging undergraduate students with this critical topic.


 Register here to join us on 7 February 2025 for this impactful discussion.

Sustainability Mindset Indicator Webinar


When: 24 January, 1pm - 2pm


Where: Zoom


Whether you joined PRME UK & Ireland's Working Group on The Sustainabilty Mindset and want to learn more, or you missed the opportunity, this event is a great opportunity to learn how to measure and cultivate a sustainable mindset.


 Discover how Dr Isabel Rimanoczy's Sustainability Mindset Indicator can help assess your sustainability mindset and make positive changes in your personal and professional life.


During this event Isabel will explain the key components of the Sustainability Mindset Indicator and how it can be applied in various contexts.


From individuals looking to make a difference, to businesses aiming to incorporate sustainability practices, this event will have valuable insights for all.

How to join:

Zoom link available here

Meeting-ID: 826 7280 9723Code: 694106


 Join the conversation on 24 January to learn more.


PRME UK & Ireland Interest Group on Employability, Sustainability and Jobs of the Future presents:


Climate Change Coaching: equipping students as leaders with soft skills for sustainability 


When: 14 February, 12 - 1:15pm


Where: On Zoom, access the registration link here


What are the soft skills future graduates will need, and how can we provide graduates with a grounding now, given the uncertainty of what the future will bring in terms of climate disruption, AI and increased global insecurity? 


The discussion will be led by Charly Cox, the Executive Director of the Climate Change Coaches, a B Corporation based in the UK. She is an award- winning climate change coach and co-author of the first book on this subject, published in 2022 by Open University Press. She is a seasoned public speaker, and has given keynote speeches to Ex-Cos and conferences around the world, including speaking at COP27 in Egypt.


In this session, Charly will consider the significance of soft skills in collaborating and overcoming resistance to change, and the need for students to operate in line with their values, to enable them to influence better and navigate complexity. Charly will provide insight into practical tools in coaching and coaching skills that can equip leaders and teams with the soft skills needed to deliver on change for sustainability action. 


Register here to join the conversation on 14 February.

CABS LTSE Conference 2025: Collaboration opportunities

The Chartered Association of Business Schools annual LTSE conference will take place on the 19-20 May 2025 in Nottingham.

LTSE is the leading gathering of business and management educators across the UK.

Last Call! Apply today to become a reviewer and help shape LTSE 2025! 


PRME members will be given priority to become reviewers and select the papers that will make it onto the programme of LTSE.


Read more about becoming a reviewer here.

Complete your expression of interest form here before EOD today.


One week to go! PRME members are encouraged to submit papers to be presented at LTSE 2025.


Presenting at LTSE 2025 is an excellent way to:

  • Showcase innovative teaching to a national audience

  • Gather constructive feedback about a new research project, course or initiative

  • Elevate your presentation and communication skills

This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase innovative and impactful teaching practices that support the SDGs.


Read more about the 2025 themes and access the paper submission portal here.

 Deadline: All submissions must be uploaded by 17:00pm 24 January.

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