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PRME UKI Chapter: Conference 2022

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

8th Annual Conference and Second Doctoral Colloquium of the UK and Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

27- 29 June 2022, Hull University Business School

Registrations now open and first keynotes announced!

The UK and Ireland PRME Regional Chapter is delighted to invite all our members and other interested delegates to register and participate in our upcoming Annual Conference, hosted by Hull University Business School.

The conference is now open to registrations through the conference website. This year our Annual Conference (28+29 June) offers a fully “on campus” experience and conference format as in pre-Covid days. But we will also have a small number of keynote speakers livestreamed and one half-day session in fully hybrid format for participants who cannot attend the full conference.

Call for Conference Proposals – Deadline Extension

We would like to remind all participants interested in presenting at the conference that call for proposals is currently open. The deadline for proposals’ submissions has been extended to Tuesday, April 19th 2022.

This year’s theme of the Conference is: 'The UN's Decade of Action: driving it, slowing it or playing catch up?', and we welcome proposals in the form of conference papers, practical workshops or posters. More details on the conference main theme and sub-themes can be found on the Conference Website. For any questions about submissions, please contact Dr Fernando Correia at

Doctoral Colloquium - 27th June 2022

As in 2021, the Conference will be preceded by a Doctoral Colloquium aimed at supporting PhD students working to inform the knowledge base on the impact of the six principles of PRME and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This will happen in a hybrid format (see more info on its dedicated call for abstracts page), and participants in the Doctoral Colloquium can also enrol on the Conference, or attend the Colloquium only. Interested participants should use the conference’s registration page to enrol on both the Doctoral Colloquium and Conference. Registration for students is free. The deadline for abstract submissions for the Doctoral Colloquium is Monday, May 9th 2022, 5pm and you will be informed if you are allocated a place at the Colloquium by the end of Friday, June 3rd 2022. Please direct any questions to the Colloquium Chair, Dr Rachel Welton, at .

Guest speakers

The conference program is still being finalised but we are pleased to announce that speakers/organisations who have to date indicated in-principle agreement to contribute include:

● Megan Buchter, MBA, from AIM2Flourish and Director of the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit, at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, USA.

● Dr Katrin Muff, Professor of Practice in Business Sustainability at Luiss Business School (Rome, Italy), and co-founder of the Institute for Business Sustainability (Lucerne, Switzerland)

● Isabel Rimanoczy, Ed.D., Convenor of the PRME Working Group on Sustainability Mindset, co-founder of MINERVAS, Women Changing the World, and author of multiple books including 'The Sustainability Mindset Principles', 'Big Bang Being: Developing the Sustainability Mindset' and 'Stop Teaching'.

● Prof Pauline Deutz, University of Hull and former President of the International Sustainable Development Research Society

● Dr. Christina Bache, Adjunct Professor at Brussels School of Governance, and Chair of the PRME Working Group on Business for Peace

● Amy Brereton - Chief Operating Officer at Enactus UK

● PRME Global Students (representative to be confirmed)

We expect to announce further high-calibre speakers in upcoming communications.

Delegate Costs and other Practical Details

We hope to welcome as many members of the PRME community as possible to the conference. To help us achieve that, the Chapter Steering Committee is using funds from our Member Annual Contributions to make the conference as financially accessible as it can be. Each member university will be offered one free delegate place and other places at just £50 per head. PhD and other students can attend free of charge. Hull also offers oncampus accommodation at an affordable price designed to keep the overall cost of attending modest. For those who cannot make it to Hull, some keynotes and the AGM will be livestreamed and one fully hybrid half day of the conference will enable further engagement. Further practical details are on the conference website. Key contacts in each Chapter Member are being written to separately with details of how to claim the free delegate places.

We greatly look forward to seeing you all in June - for the first in-person gathering of our whole PRME community in three years ! Please book soon !

If you have any further questions at all about the Conference, please contact

Yours sincerely

Fernando Correia

Dr Fernando Correia

Conference Organiser, Hull Business School


Jonathan Louw

Dr Jonathan Louw

On behalf of the PRME UKI Steering Committee

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