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UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

7th RMER Conference 19-21 October 2020 in Chur, Switzerland

he 7th Responsible Management Education Research Conference will be held on 19-21 October 2020 in Chur, Switzerland.

The central theme of the conference is related to the digitization and artificial intelligence, and their link with the SDGs and implications for responsible management education.

We would like to invite PRME Regional Chapter UK & Ireland members among the proponents and chairs of the conference tracks and/or sessions. By bringing in the specific perspectives of your Regional Chapter you will actively participate in the unique program co-design process that has proven to be successful also in the previous six global events and, therefore, further enrich the main agenda of the conference and our joint learning.

While welcoming topics that are directly related to the conference general theme, the conference is also open for other topics in the fields of sustainable development, SDGs, CSR and responsible management education in general.

We would also appreciate very much your thoughts and suggestions related to thematic foci of the several cross-WG and cross-chapter sessions that will be, as per tradition, an important part of the program of the upcoming RMER global gatherings. This will contribute to further enhancing the dialogue, mutual sharing and learning within the responsible management education community and beyond.

More details are available on the conference home page, which will be regularly updated.

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