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UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter


Deadlines, dates for your diaries and details of initiatives that may interest you.  




Chapter Steering Committee News 

Farewell to our PRME Intern, Katie Lee 

London and South East Local Network – Report on Birkbeck College Event  

Chapter Sustainability and Employability Working Group Event – 16 January 2024 

Conference and Doctoral Colloquium 2024 - Update 

Innovative Pedagogy Competition 2023-24 – 15 December Closing Date 

Research Seed Funding Competition 2024 – to launch in the next week 


Chapter Steering Committee News 

Following recent elections within the Steering Committee, new office-holders for the three years commencing 1st January 2024 can be announced. In recent months the Committee has also reviewed its wider allocation of roles and responsibilities to ensure a good fit between Chapter needs and Committee member expertise. The table below reflects all these Chapter leadership roles for the coming period.  

The current Chair, Jonathan Louw, steps down from the Steering Committee at the end of his term on 31.12.23 but will continue his leadership of the Student Wri ting Competition from outside the Committee.

Goodbye and thank you to Katie Lee

This week we bid a grateful farewell to our PRME Intern, Katie Lee, who leaves us for pastures new. In her 9 months with us Katie has made very significant contributions to our 10th Anniversary conference and wider anniversary events, our social media profile, the rollout of the i5 project in the Chapter and Europe more widely and in the refreshing of our website. As a shared role with the UN Global Compact UK network, she has also done sterling work in ensuring greater visibility of UNGC programming available to PRME signatories. We are sure you will join everyone on the Steering Committee in thanking Katie for her enthusiastic and thoughtful support of the Chapter – any final messages can be sent to her on  Also watch out for Katie’s last  publication, a celebration of the 10th Anniversary year, due out shortly. A further joint appointment with UNGC is planned for the new year.

Building sustainability education into the curriculum across disciplines – a report on the PRME London and South East workshop at Birkbeck University, London 

PRME London and Southeast hosted a face-to-face meeting at Birkbeck University of London on 5 December 2023. Dr Pamela Yeow (Reader in Management) hosted the workshop, facilitated by Dr Aideen Foley and Dr Dale Mineshima-Lowe - Academic Directors of Environmental Education Projects. It was a great opportunity for local network members to enjoy a plant-based lunch in the beautiful Keynes Library at Birkbeck. 

The workshop showcased Birkbeck’s work on sustainability education, including a pioneering ‘Environment Minor’ offer.  Deep discussion ensued on the question posed ‘Why does environmental education matter?’, highlighting the value of environmental literacy, the importance of developing it based on inclusive design, and what can be learned from the field of ‘eco pedagogy’. For a full report on this interactive and well attended event see here.

PRME Chapter UK+Ireland Sustainability and Employability Working Group Event – 16 January 2024, 12 – 1.30pm, online webinar

News now of a January 2024 event offered by the Chapter Working Group on Sustainability and Employability. Oli Coles, founder and CEO of the sustainability reporting platform, Windo, will offer a presentation entitled Employers' Sustainability Communications; Leading Practices for Young Talent Attraction.

Windo holds sustainability data, including Environmental Impact, DEI (Diversity, Equity &Inclusion) and Employee Wellbeing data for 450+ companies. During this webinar Oli will unveil 14 Leading Practices for effectively communicating a company’s DEI and sustainability story and progress. The session will provide a comprehensive look at the adoption of these practices among FTSE100 companies, whilst highlighting employers from across the globe that excel at each practice and their influence on the job decisions of young talent. Full event details are in this linked pdf.

As part of the event, Working Group organisers Karen Cripps and Jonathan Louw will also introduce a research project into placement and graduate employer practices they are leading in tandem with Windo. This will also offer opportunities for other Chapter Members to contribute to the project through encouraging employers they are connected with to take part in the data gathering.

Register for this event on Tuesday 16 January from 12-1.30pm here and join our LinkedIn group as well.

Conference and Doctoral Colloquium 2024 at the University of Exeter

Please make sure you have saved the dates of what will, as always, be the highlight of the Chapter year. Our 2024 Doctoral Colloquium will be on Wednesday 19 June 2024, followed by our conference on 20+21 June. The Calls for Proposals can be expected in the coming week.

Deadline for the Chapter’s Innovative Pedagogy Competition 2023-24

A reminder: the closing date for submissions to our Innovative Pedagogy Awards for 23-24 is Friday 15 December 2023. Full details can be found here.

Launch of the Chapter’s Research Seed Funding Competition 2024

Watch out for details of the latest round of our Research Seed Funding Competition, which will be released in the coming week. The closing date for submissions will be 19 February 2024.

Chapter Events Calendar

If you’re organising a Chapter-related event or wanting to find out what is on, please remember to check our Chapter Events calendar. Additions and enquiries can be emailed to our PRME Administrator, Jackie Hicken, on


Items for future news updates

Local Network Co-ordinators and other event organisers, when you run a PRME event do send us a short report afterwards (with links to any relevant resources) for wider publicity through these newsletters. Send items to Jackie Hicken on the email address noted above.

That’s it for now – best wishes from the UK and Ireland Chapter Steering Committee.

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