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UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

PRME UKI 2021 Conference and Doctoral Colloquium - submission deadline extended to 10th May

Dear PRME UK and Ireland Colleagues,

We hope you are planning to attend and, if possible, contribute to our conference on 6th and 7th July. This event is always the highpoint of our Chapter year.

We also hope you have spread the word about our doctoral colloquium to all your doctoral cohorts. This takes place on 5th July.

To enable you all to make good use of the upcoming long weekend to polish your proposals, we have extended our submission deadline for both the conference and colloquium to 10 May 2021. You will receive a response to your proposal by 31 May.

Please pass on the message and encourage participation by your colleagues.

The Calls for both events can be found here in both Word and PDF formats.

Delegate Bookings

Booking for both events is also now open via the University of Lincoln website ( Delegate fees have intentionally been kept as low as possible to maximise attendance and to demonstrate one of the benefits of Chapter membership and our Chapter fee. We look forward to welcoming you to one or both of these events in the summer of 2021.

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