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A PRME workshop on Systems Thinking - in partnership with the Schumacher Institute. Approaches/tools

UK & Ireland PRME Regional Chapter

Friday 10th May 2019 at CREATE Environment Centre, Bristol BS1 6XN

Arrival for 10am, start at 10.30am and finish by 5pm

Just ten days ago, a study published in the journal Biological Conservation drew global attention to the estimated 2.5% pa drop in the total number of insects worldwide, leading to a prediction of the potential elimination of all insects within 100 years. As the authors concluded, “Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades ...the repercussions this will have for the planet’s ecosystems are catastrophic to say the least.”

There couldn't be a more appropriate time, therefore, for the PRME Chapter to partner with the Schumacher Institute to bring you a workshop designed to bring business academics up to speed on the Systems Thinking that frames the Earth Sciences and is having an increasing impact on the Human Sciences. Having common frameworks and a shared language for understanding cause, effect, feedback loops, tipping points and interdependence can only help us when formulating the interdisciplinary efforts needed to realise the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

So save the date, and book now to join us for our latest faculty development event. A small fee of £30 applies

You can book here:

About the Schumacher Institute

"The Schumacher Institute is a think tank. We believe that our planet faces complex social, economic and environmental crises that are hard to solve, however, we are optimistic that solutions can be found. We apply systems thinking to explore and test sustainable options, which acknowledge the complexity of our world. We see social justice as integral to sustainability and look for answers that are fair to all, within the limits the Earth can sustain."

Our Keynote Contributors

  1. Dr Jenneth Parker, Research Director, Schumacher Institute :

  2. Prof Vala Ragnarsdottir, Professor of Sustainability, University of Iceland, Member of the Club of Rome and the Balaton group and the international Wellbeing Economy Alliance:

  3. David Collste, Phd student at Stockholm and Clermont Ferrand universities with the Marie Curie Adapt Econ II programme ' Adaptation to a New Economic Reality'

  4. Dr John Blewitt, Distinguished Fellow, Schumacher Institute:

We hope to see as many as possible of you on the 10th May.

Carole Parkes, Alex Hope and Jonathan Louw

(event organisers on behalf of the PRME UK and Ireland Steering Committee)


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