Chapter Governance
The Chapter is governed by the Governance Document and Memorandum of Understanding
The elected Officers of the Steering Committee are:
CHAIR: Professor Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas
Professor Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas EdD FRSA is Chair of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) UK and Ireland Chapter as well as a member of the PRME Global Expert Pedagogy Group.
Professor in Marketing and Sustainable Business at the British School of Fashion, Glasgow Caledonian University London, Natascha is an expert in sustainable and ethical fashion and education for sustainable development and was named in The SustainabilityX® Magazine’s inaugural Global 50 Women In Sustainability Awards™. Natascha is co-author of ‘Fashion Management: A Strategic Approach’ and is an award-winning case study author. She is Editor-in-Chief for Bloomsbury Fashion Business Case Studies and Editor of the International Journal of Sustainable Fashion and Textiles. Natascha has led the UK and Ireland contribution to the Impactful Five (i5) Playbook project and contributed to the United Nations Global Compact UK’s Measuring Up 2.0 report. Natascha is Advisory Board Member for The Council For International African Fashion Education (CIAFE), Vice Chair of the Costume Society and is regularly invited as a keynote speaker and panellist and contributes to media pieces on fashion business, culture and sustainability for the BBC and NPR. Natascha is a member of the London and South East Local Network.

VICE CHAIR: Laura Steele
Laura Steele is a Reader (Education) of Business Ethics and Sustainability at Queen’s Business School Belfast, where she also serves as Director of Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability & PRME Lead. Laura’s teaching, research, and scholarship focuses on the intersection between ethics, social responsibility, sustainability, and technology (particularly Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics). Prior to joining academia on a full-time basis in 2017, Laura worked in a number of diverse roles across the public, private, and third/voluntary sectors. Within PRME, Laura serves as the Island of Ireland Local Network Lead alongside Karen Neville (Cork University Business School). In addition, she led on the development of the PRME UK & Ireland Chapter Innovative Pedagogy Competition with Claire May (Lincoln International Business School) and Matt Davis (Leeds University Business School). Laura has a particular interest in the Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) Reporting process and regularly holds webinars on this topic with colleagues from across the PRME community.

TREASURER: Nishat Azmat
Nishat Azmat is a qualified accountant who worked in industry and private practice prior to her tenure as a lecturer of financial accounting at the Birmingham university Business school. She is Director, Executive MBA, the Business School lead in relation to PRME and is also a Senior Fellow of the HEA. Nishat has had a series of leadership roles within the School over the last ten years and teaches various Accounting and Ethics modules. She is also involved with the voluntary sector, as a trustee of a Women’s charity for over 7 years and currently Vice Chair of the Fiorretti Trust as well as sitting on its Audit sub-Committee.

SECRETARY: Dr Karen Cripps
Dr Karen Cripps (SFHEA) is a Senior Lecturer in Leadership at Oxford Brookes Business School (London and South East network). She joined PRME UKI Committee in 2023, and the role of Secretary in 2024. Previously, she co-led the London and SE local network, and was PRME Champion at the University of Winchester. At Brookes she supports PRME initiatives led by Jonathan Louw. Together, they lead the PRME UKI interest group 'Employability, Sustainability and Jobs of the Future'. Karen's research and teaching interests focus in particular on employability for sustainability, and the sustainability mindset. She is an ambassador for the PRME Global Working Group on the Sustainability Mindset and supports the PRME Global Working Group on Climate Change and the Environment through newsletter communications and training for PRME Global Students.

Other Members of the Steering Committee
Dr Rachel Welton
Dr Rachel Welton is a Principal Lecturer in International Business and Tourism at Nottingham Business School and a Senior Fellow HEA. She is an active member of PRME through the PRME Champions group. She is committed to encouraging other UK Business Schools to become actively involved in embedding the PRME principles to ensure that students have the knowledge, skills and competence to progress SDGs during their working life. She is a co-founder of Carbon Literacy Training for Business Schools and Vice Chair of the PRME Climate Change and Environment Woking Group. She is currently involved in several pedagogic research projects in responsible management education, such as, carbon literacy training and coaching and mentoring for responsible management; the learning from these initiatives inform her teaching. Her expertise lies in the area of sustainable tourism. Rachel’s PhD, focused on the adaptation and mitigation of international tourism destinations to climate change, this continues to be a research focus.

Dr Mohamed Saeudy
Mohamed is the Director of Research Centre for Contemporary Accounting, Finance and Economics (Res CAFE). His research interest focuses on how business organizations use innovative accounting and finance tools to manage the contemporary challenges of sustainable development. It involves the ambition to develop organizational lenses to explore how sustainability may allow or help organizations to improve their triple bottom line impact. He argues the possibility to create innovative social and environmental impact from the economic activities of business organizations.
He helps designed many courses to help students to learn how to use accounting and finance tools to manage the contemporary challenges of sustainable development such as climate change, modern slavery, UN SDGs, human rights and ecological biodiversity. He develops social media tools e.g. blogs to help students to explore how business organisations could make business opportunities and profit from considering social and environmental activities. He also developed innovative academic courses on DBA, Green Accounting, Sustainable Finance and Financial Entrepreneurship. These courses covered many contemporary topics ranging from corporate governance to sustainable business strategies and policies. In addition, Dr Saeudy provides professional consultancies for many business organisations in the UK and overseas in the field of sustainable business solutions, entrepreneurial finance, green finance, risk management and virtual business innovation.

Dr Karen Neville
Dr Karen Neville is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Business Information Systems (BIS), Cork University Business School (CUBS), at University College Cork (UCC), Ireland. She is the founder and Managing Director of UCC’s Centre for Resilience and Business Continuity (CRBC) and has generated over €14 million in income for UCC. Karen is a leading expert in Decision Support Systems (DSS) and approaches for Emergency Management and Business Continuity (BCP). She has formed and lead international consortiums and is active in Horizon Europe Research, developing Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 8 and 9 solutions which have changed regional and national policies. Karen holds a PhD in Information Systems Security and is a Teaching and Learning Fellow in UCC. She is the Director of the BIS PhD Programme. She has presented at top IS conferences and published in international journals such as Information Systems Journal and the Journal of Information Technology (JIT). Her research is focussed on EM, Cybersecurity, Business Continuity and Resilient Solutions for Communities and Cities, DSS and Decision-making Under Stress Training. Dr Neville is the Chair of the CUBS PRME Working group.
Dr Claire May
Dr Claire May is an Associate Professor and Director of Sustainability and Societal Impact at Lincoln International Business School. Claire serves on the University of Lincoln Environment and Sustainability Committee and has previously been a member of the Lincoln Diocesan Environment Advisory Panel and the Lincoln Climate Commission. Her PhD investigated ways to change consumer food purchasing behaviour to become more environmentally sustainable and focused on the potential role of carbon labelling. Claire’s scholarly interests continue to focus on pro-environmental behaviour change, social marketing, sustainability literacy and education for sustainable development. Claire jointly led on the development of the PRME UK and Ireland Chapter Innovative Pedagogy Competition and she continues to facilitate this initiative.

Professor Georgina Gough
Georgina Gough is Professor of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and PRME lead for UWE Bristol. She is also the coordinator of the South Wales and South West of England Local PRME Network. Georgina coordinates a cross university knowledge exchange for sustainability education (KESE) and supports academics to incorporate sustainability into their teaching, learning and professional practice. She works in partnership with colleagues, students and external stakeholders to embed sustainability across higher education and to share good practice both internally and externally. Georgina is a member of the national Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence Network (CATE-NET) coordinating group and is programme leader for UWE Bristol’s MSc Sustainable Development in Practice. Georgina helps to lead work within UWE Bristol on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is actively involved in city-level work to achieve the SDGs. She co-authored the chapter on SDG 11 for the 2022 Measuring Report on SDG progress in the UK by UN Global Compact Network UK.

Dr Marc Duffy
Dr Marc Duffy is a former practitioner with management experience in heavy industry, aluminium, iron and steel-making. In industry, he travelled the world as a key account manager for Latin America's metals processing sector. Including prolonged periods working in Mexico, Venezuela and Spain, Marc also worked extensively in China, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, Belgium and Finland. Marc returned to academia in 2015 as a Lecturer and to complete a PhD at Sheffield Hallam University in Sheffield Business School. Progressing from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management, Enterprise and Change, with a focus on applied research, Sustainable and Responsible Business and led Hallam’s commitments to the United Nations, Principles of Responsible Management Commitments (PRME).
Marc is now a Lecturer in the Business Engagement Unit at Ulster University, Business School, focusing on our degree apprenticeship programmes, and online courses. He is the inaugural PRME Lead at Ulster University Business School and sits on the UUBS Sustainability Committee. One his main goals as a member of the Steering Committee is to showcase the work of others even further, celebrating and communicate our successes to the widest possible audience.

Anna Egan
Anna Egan is Head of Department for Finance and Economics in Manchester Metropolitan University. She is the current institutional PRME Lead and has championed responsible management education in the variety of roles she has held across the Faculty of Business and Law. Specific areas of focus include the development and launch of an MSc Sustainable Finance, and integration of a core module on Leadership in Sustainable Finance on the flagship MBA. Anna has also previously developed and led a core module on ethics and sustainability across a suite of postgraduate finance programmes and a particular highlight within this has been the interrogation of carbon footprint management with diverse groups of students. Her teaching and scholarship is focused on the relationship between responsible management and financial decision making, cutting across areas such as investment strategies, ESG reporting and measurement processes.

Dr Denise Currie
Dr Denise Currie is a Reader in Human Resource Management at Queen’s Business School, where she previously served as Director of Postgraduate Education and Programme Director for the MSc in Human Resource Management. A proud alumna of Queen’s Management School, Denise earned her PhD in 2010, focusing on conflict management in business networks. Her research and professional activities centre around employee relations, with a strong emphasis on the organizational dynamics that foster positive work environments. Her key interests include workforce conflict, cooperation and collaboration, wellbeing, and diversity and inclusion. Much of her work is conducted within the health and social care sector, integrating insights from human resource management, organizational behaviour, and the sociology of work. Denise has extensive teaching experience, covering modules in Human Resource Management, Employee Relations, and Change Management, with specific interests in teaching Negotiation and Conflict Management. She is committed to equipping future HR professionals with the knowledge and skills to positively influence workplaces by promoting decent work, enhancing employee wellbeing, and embedding the principles of diversity, equality, and inclusion. Beyond academia, Denise applies her expertise as an Executive Director for the Cedar Foundation, a charitable organization that supports people with disabilities, autism, and brain injuries in leading empowered lives. She is currently a co-opted member of the Steering Committee of the PRME UK and Ireland Chapter, specifically contributing to the organisation of the 2025 PRME UK and Ireland conference.

Steve Kenzie (Ex-Officio Member - Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network UK)
Steve has managed the Secretariat of the UN Global Compact Network UK since 2008, connecting UK companies and other organisations in a global movement dedicated to driving corporate sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals. He also Chairs UNGC’s Global Network Council and sits on the UN Global Compact Board. He was previously a Programme Director at the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) leading projects across a wide range of responsible business issue areas. Prior to joining IBLF, Steve was the founder and Managing Director of a successful retail sports equipment business in Canada.
He has a B.Comm from the University of British Columbia and an MSc in Business & Environment from Imperial College London.

Jackie is a Project Administrator within the Business Engagement Team, providing support across the portfolio of programmes and activities at Birmingham City University Business School, following a varied and successful career in the financial sector. Jackie also has extensive project management, which promises to be very helpful in managing the multiple institutional and individual stakeholders in the Chapter.

Past Committee Members
We are grateful to the following people for their past contributions to the work of of the Chapter Steering Committee since its inception in 2013:
Professor Fatima Annan-Diab
Dr Paul Cashian
Paul Caulfield
David Clemson
Dr Chris Doran
Matthew Gitsham
Bryan Hall (Chapter Administrator, 2020-23)
Dr Alex Hope
Dr Sheila Killian
Dr Jonathan Louw (Chair, 2021-23)
Professor Alan Murray (Chair, 2013-14)
Dr Cristina Neesham
Julie O'Donnell
Professor Carole Parkes (Chair, 2015-17)
Maria Podsiadly
Dr Anja Schaefer
Dr Roz Sunley
Dr Alec Wersun (Chair, 2018-20)
Dr Anica Zeyen